
Grafik wird nicht mehr erscheinen


Einer Mitteilung zufolge wird das britsche Magazin grafik seine Tore schließen und nicht mehr erscheinen! Eine wirklich traurige Nachricht!

Grafik magazine closes: High-end graphics magazine Grafik has closed, reporting that the owner of its publisher, Adventures in Publishing, has liquidated the company.
A posting on the Grafik website said "unfortunately we are unable to print the magazine for the foreseeable future".
It added that creditors would receive a letter from the administrators shortly, and thanked people who supported Grafik during "a very difficult time for the publishing business".
The magazine, published 11 times a year, was printed by Team Impression in Leeds, which declined to comment but said news of the liquidation came through the day before, Tuesday.

Nobody at Grafik magazine or its publisher Adventures in Publishing was available to comment at the time of writing.

Quelle:, 23 June 2010
