
Dynamic Font Day 2018

Author: Slanted editors

When Variable Fonts came up fall 2016, the Dynamic Font Day was the first conference to profoundly discuss this joint project of Adobe, Apple, Google and Microsoft. Two years later, it’s time to verify the promises of the inventors and promoters. How far support for the new format has grown? Where are the first smart implementations out there? How far still to go to a real responsive typography? — Or will this whole story end in a huge flop?
Typography in digital media has grown by leaps and bounds during the last years. The wheel is rapidly turning for designers and developpers. The Dynamic Font Day 2018 will bring the latest updates, illuminates chances and risks and helps you, to find your own position in this ultrafast digital world.

The conference language will be English. We will have a lineup of internationally renowned speakers in the field of digital typography. You will find a continuously updated speaker list here.

The Dynamic Font Day 2018 will be hosted by Munich School of Design & Fashion in the very city center of Munich. The school is a creative hub for the media and fashion industry not only in Munich and the perfect soil for an international conference like ours.


Dynamic Font Day 2018

Sat. November 17th 2018
9 a.m.–8 p.m. 

Designschule München, Sendlinger-Tor-Platz 14
Eingang West (Wallstraße), Raum 405/406
80331 München 

More information can be found here.
