Children’s books from the Kunstanstifter Verlag: Polka für Igor, Schnorchelnde Schafe, Wilmas Mäusejagd & Hoch hinaus

Author: Julia Kahl

In search of beautifully illustrated children’s books, we became aware of the Kunstanstifter Verlag, which was founded in 2006 as a publishing house for illustration. The portfolio today consists almost exclusively of picture books for adults and children, the quality of the book illustration is the most important criterion for inclusion in the program. In the following we present four books (in German language) that we liked very much:

Iris Anemone Paul: Polka für Igor

Igor is a special dog. If you take the time to listen to old Polka records with him, you will enjoy listening to exciting stories.

At that time in Poland Igor was a hero. Ola knows that. As soon as the needle on the record begins to scratch, Igor gets into a flurry. And so the two of them travel through his past on an armchair: with casserole and sauerkraut, tightrope walkers, as tender as turkey schnitzel, with Russian recorder players, Bengali tigers and sheep smelling of cuckooflower—accompanied by accordion sounds and a crackling fireplace.

The book is also available as a special edition, with a limited screenprint signed by the artist. You can buy one of 30 silkscreen prints with book for 60 €.

ISBN: 978-3-942795-70-8 and 978-3-942795-72-2 (Special Edition)
Book design: Franziska Walther
Format: 300 × 290 mm
Scope: 48 pages
ET: March 2018
Price: € 24,–
Hardcover with dust jacket, printing in four special colors


Anne Marie Braune: Schnorchelnde Schafe und andere Tierhobbys

Have you ever wondered what whales do in their spare time or can you imagine that hamsters like to play chess? Who hides among the snorkeling sheep?

The colorful world of fantastic animal hobbies is just waiting to be discovered by you. Join us on this lively explorer safari and don’t miss out on a lively crawling animal!

ISBN: 978-3-942795-62-3
Format: 224 × 268 mm
Scope: 32 pages
Release date: 2018
Price: € 19,–
Hardcover with dust jacket and poster


Liliane Steiner: Wilmas Mäusejagd

Wilma’s a hungry cat. She walks through forest and town to find something to eat. The search is not quite easy, because the mice quickly scurry away ... and suddenly, ouch ... what is that? Wilma always encounters new surprises.

The illustrations with color schemes by Liliane Steiner conceal the unexpected. A huge search pleasure for children—secretly but also for adults.

ISBN: 978-3-942795-49-4
size: 30 × 19,5 cm
Scope: 28 pages
Release date: 2017
Price: € 22,–
Hardcover, Japanese binding and magnifying glass

Franziska Walther: Hoch hinaus

Moose also have wanderlust and so Erasmus sets off to discover the world. He crosses mountains, walks through fields and forests, dives into the sea—and one day reaches the city. So many people, houses and cars, so much unknown and exciting! But suddenly Erasmus finds himself in a situation that seems hopeless.

How the young moose succeeds in overcoming his own limits is the subject of this encouraging picture story, which Franziska Walther stages, sometimes in large format, sometimes sequentially in poetic images. After her illustrated novels “Peter Schlemihl’s wundersame Geschichte,” “Der Zeitsparer,” and the 2016 graphic novel “Werther Reloaded,” “Hoch hinaus” is her first picture book.

ISBN: 978-3-942795-61-6
size: 21,3 × 28 cm
Length: 40 pages
Release date: 2017
Price: € 22,–
Hardcover with partial metallic embossing

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