
Can Graphic Design Save Your Life?


Wenn auch ihr euch schon mal gefragt habt, ob ihr als Grafikdesigner Leben retten könnt, dann ist das Buch Can Graphic Design Save Your Life? die Antwort auf diese Frage. Hier werden viele Arbeiten und Projekte vorgestellt, die zeigen, wie unterschiedliche Kommunikationsstrategien in Kombination mit der visuellen Sprache es schaffen, den Blick des Betrachters auf sich zu ziehen, ihn zu informieren und ihn vor unterschiedlichen Gefahren, die die Welt uns bietet, zu beschützen.

This ambitious book examines the varied and vital relationship between graphic design and health, focusing on work that demonstrates how communication strategies and visual languages are employed to persuade, inform, prevent and ultimately protect.

Can Graphic Design Save Your Life? is published to coincide with the opening of the exhibition of the same name at Wellcome Collection, London—a museum that explores the connections between medicine, life and art. Co-curated by GraphicDesign&, with Wellcome Collection, the exhibition includes work by practitioners past and present alongside historical work from Wellcome Library and other archives.

The book is structured according to the six sections of the exhibition: Persuasion, Education, Hospitalisation, Medication, Contagion and Provocation. It features public-facing work by mostly contemporary graphic designers from around the world: from unbranded cigarette packaging to apps about the human body, minimalist pill packaging to hospital information systems, and urgent public health warnings to revolutionising health awareness campaigns. Alongside are answers to the question posed by the title, from contributing designers, design writers and health professionals that give valuable insight into the design process.

Can Graphic Design Save Your Life?—a book that demonstrates how graphic design impacts on what we notice, what we understand and the actions we take – and the essential role graphic design plays in matters of life and death.

Can Graphic Design Save Your Life?

Editors: Sarah Schrauwen, Lucienne Roberts, Rebecca Wright
Publishing house: GraphicDesigns&
Release: September 2017
Volume: 240 pages
Format: 110 mm × 178 mm
Language: English 
ISBN: 978–0–9572381–4–5
Price: £ 17.50 
