
Historia Type Specimen


Interessantes Type Specimen von Emigre, das sich alle Liebhaber der Emigre-Schriften mal näher anschauen sollten.

Historia Type Specimen
The pairing and combining of different typefaces has always been a particular graphic design challenge. Lately, it has received much attention from a number of type foundries who offer constructive rules and suggestions on their web sites. It's also a recurring topic on type blogs where font afficionados often vent their usually contradictory opinions on the topic.

Emigre has its own take on this typographic technique. But instead of providing rules, which often render safe but bland results, we believe that ultimately any font can be successfully combined with any other font. It's not so much a matter of which font combinations to pick, it's a matter of how you use the fonts in combination. Size, color, tracking, contrast, layout and overall purpose determine how fonts can be combined successfully. It is to this end that we have published a new type specimen highlighting Emigre Fonts mixed and paired in a multitude of creative combinations.

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