


Die neunte Ausgabe von 032c mit dem Titel "WE ARE SYNCHRO TIME" ist seit Mitte Mai erhältlich.Frühere Ausgaben des Magazins mit dem Untertitel "Fashion, Art & Conflict" wurden bereits für den Designpreis der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2006 nominiert.
Wie man an das 176 Seiten starke Magazin für 10 Euro kommt, findet ihr hier.

»032c workshop publishes the bi-annual visual culture magazine 032c at the intersections of fashion, art and politics. Finding the new in the old and the old in the new, 032c invites leading and emerging creatives to collaborate on mono-thematic issues. The magazine has been considered to be "dedicated to the celebration of ideas" by i-D, "un glamour authentiquement berlinois" by Le Monde, "revue ultra-pointue" by Vogue, or simply as "the Berlin magazine that propogates an aesthetic of brutal elegance" by Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The magazine is internationally distributed to selected art bookstores and fashion boutiques. It has been exhibited at places such as London Design Museum, Colette (Paris), GAS (Tokyo), The Pineal Eye (London) and the 3rd Berlin Biennial."«
