
Read Regular


ReadRegular wurde entwickelt, um Legasthenikern das lesen lernen zu erleichtern. (Tip für diesen Font stammt übrigens aus dem vor kurzem bespr. Magazin Items). Die Site beschreibt sehr gut das Thema Lesen/Lesen lernen etc.
Britain has two million severely dyslexic individuals, including some 375,000 schoolchildren. 10% of people using ‘Romance’ languages are coping with a reading difficulty. Dyslexia is a combination of abilities and difficulties that affect
the learning process, displaying a wide range of difficulties. Dyslexia can occur despite normal intellectual ability and teaching, and it is independent of socio-economic or language background.
There has been growing innovation to combat dyslexia, especially for children, in the form of computer software. However, relatively little design research has been done in the area of typography and type design that might support dyslexics. Read Regular is
a typeface designed specifically to help people with dyslexia read and write more effectively.
Read Regular aims at preventing a neglect of dyslexia, creating a more confident feeling regarding the problems that occur with dyslexia.
