


Das 365typo Jahrbuch präsentiert 365 Geschichten der besten Autoren aus den Feldern Typografie und Grafikdesign. Oder: Man könnte auch sagen, dass das Beste aus dem Jahr 2014/2015 in diesem Buch zusammengetragen wurde. Es ist eine Kooperation zwischen der Association Typographique Internationale (ATypI) und 365typo (deren Drahtzieher vielen noch vom tschechischen Typo-Magazin bekannt sein könnten).

“365typo features key issues, themes, events and behind-the-scenes storytelling. The book presents not only crucial stories and facts, but also analyses and predictions of future developments in the industry, and helps readers find their way through the labyrinth of current happenings, trends and ideas.” 

Neben interessanten Schrift-Veröffentlichen, finden sich auch besondere Produkte (wie z.B. unsere Abreißkalender Photodarium und Typodarium), Interviews, Berichte und allerlei Anleitungen in diesem umfangreichen Buch. 

“365typo represents a new level of self-awareness in the typographic community. Perhaps no single publication has ever done this on quite such a global scale. … It does not compete with other publications; it extends them, and in some cases introduces them to each other. In the pages of 365typo, you will find the voices of type, typography, and graphic design around the world, recorded in a lasting form that will both inspire us today and preserve a record for the future.” (John D. Berry)

“We love and are immersed in our fantastic, ephemeral online existence. Even though these may well be the best of times for sharing stories, the stories themselves grow obsolete and disappear before our very eyes. And that’s why we love books: they have the fantastic capacity to preserve stories. For 365 days we sought out stories. Stories about typography revolutions, the best typefaces, design projects that can change the world. Stories about people, who have something to say, about grand visions, unexpected encounters, voyages beyond the horizon. Stories of courageous creators who blazed their own paths, stories of terror we didn’t succumb to.” (Linda Kudrnovská)


The story of 365typo

The brainchild of Typo Magazine (2003–2013), 365typo develops the original idea of bringing together some of the greatest experts and using their enthusiasm to help promote typography and graphic design. The publisher, editors and contributors all share the idea that 365typo is a service to the industry and strive to make it an important source for future research. 

The idea to publish a typography and graphic design annual was first floated in 2013, shortly after Typo Magazine ceased publication. Editor-in-Chief Linda Kudrnovská did not want to lose her large team of editors and contributors’ enthusiasm and willingness to share their knowledge with the design community, so she joined forces with Michel Chanaud at étapes: publishers in Paris to formulate a new concept for a book that would present the most industry’s important events from the past 365 days. In September 2014 the editors and Michel Chanaud met with José Scaglione, the president of ATypI, where the association agreed to collaborate in creating content for the annual publication. Exactly one year later, the very first issue of 365typo saw the light of day.

The contributors include:
John D. Berry, José Scaglione, Stephen Coles, John L. Walters, Erik Spiekermann, Luc(as) de Groot, Fiona Ross, Yves Peters, Andreu Balius, Indra Kupferschmid, Lars Harmsen, Nadine Chahine, Gerry Leonidas, Laurence Penney, Erik van Blokland, Stephen Banham, Julia Kahl, Veronika Burian, Jaap Biemans, Jacek Utko, Dan Reynolds, Eben Sorkin, Richard Kegler, Bill Gardner, Dionysis Livanis, Adam Twardoch, Laura Meseguer, Jeremy Leslie, Silvia Sfligiotti, Ilene Strizver, Kris Sowersby, Pascal Zoghbi and many more.

The 308-page, 230 × 283 mm hardback publication is printed in five colours on premium Magno Natural paper.  The book design is by Filip Blažek (Designiq, Prague), who laid the book out in Capitolium 2, Berlingske Serif and Neue Haas Unica. The book is published by étapes: editions in Paris. The maze of 365 stories is divided into several blocks including magazines, education, awards, software, know-how and a unique selection of the 50 most interesting typefaces of 2014. Far from all of the important stories made their way into the book. At least the others can be found online: one story every day at www.365typo.com

365typo / 365 stories on type, typography and graphic design

Published by: étapes: editions
Veröffentlichung: 2015
Concept by: Linda Kudrnovská and Michel Chanaud
Preface by: John D. Berry and José Scaglione
Edited by: Linda Kudrnovská
Copy edited by: Elizabeth Walsh Spacilova
Cover and layout by: Filip Blažek
Dimensions: 230 × 283 mm
Printed by: D’auria Printing, Italy
ISBN: 979-10-95254-00-3




