Hypnotic Prints

"Clear formal language, high contrasts and always trying to put as little as possible but as much as necessary on paper. Every…

Beverage Spectrum

This is a detail of a construction that layers found and generated print materials, randomly revealing elements through hand die cutting.

Illumination 223f

Illuminations sind eine Serie abstrakter Bilder, Malerei in Öl bzw. Fotografien. Der Ausgangspunkt der fortlaufenden Bilderreihe ist ein fotografischer. Bereits der Titel…


The ‘Emergent’ series begins where a separation between elements ends. The formal transitions occurring to blend the feminine and curvilinear subjects reveal…

Alles könnte anders sein

Made in the past, arrived in the new normal. Season brochure for a public theatre: talent and passion meets confidence and optimism.…


The artwork is a collection of the everpresent marketing symbolism in our everyday life. I took these symbols out of their context…


minerals fall into bourgeois worlds as if from nowhere. and bring destruction and beauty.

CP001 (Complex Product No. 1)

Hi! We are a visual studio that started out in the middle of a pandemic. To say hello to the world, we…

Victoria Park 2019

What does Victoria Park mean to you? I replied with just a word. Sunset. The artwork has been selected for the All…

with diplomatic measures

Even if violance has a strong pull on humans, when again and again we react with "proportionate responses" and see diplomatic measures…


Breathe was a project I started whilst in lockdown late 2019. It was getting to the point I was really struggling with…

Plastic kills

We are the yeast in a petri dish…

Upward Spiral

When I am being asked why I draw these spirals, I'm often having difficulties expressing the motivation behind that habit. These spirals…

Decentralised Mass

We have congealed together like a packet of Skittles left in direct sunlight.


Don't think too much about it, it's an invitation to live life more lightly. Especially seeing what is happening in the world…

Electric voyage

'Electric voyage' is part of a project done for an IT&Tech conference held in Romania and Moldova. It's created with 80s synth-wave,…

The Poster Elevated

Taking the traditional 2D poster and elevating it with the use of vibrant colours, emission glare as a 3D outcome.

” Ars Gratia Artis “

Polaroid Portrait of the artist Ong Phuon Ong. Shoot with a Polaroid Onestep+ in double exposition.

Sun worshiper

In this Pice I started a new way in my work. where I used already done pines and combined them in a…


“Diffraction refers to various phenomena that occur when a wave encounters an obstacle or opening. It is defined as the bending of…

Disruptive waves

Disruptive: causing trouble and therefore stopping something from continuing as usual Waves: the pattern in which some types of energy, such as…