
O.K. Failure


Und wieder einmal haben William van Giessen, Jost van der Steen und Bouwe van der Molen es geschafft: Die 2te Ausgabe der O.K.Periodicals ist erschienen und wirkt mindestens genauso erfrischend wie Ausgabe 1.

Besonders gut gefällt mir die Farbigkeit des Covers – hierzu ein paar Sätze von William, den ich auf der Colophon kennenlernen durfte: "The cover is screenprinted with fluor/irisprint. Every issue is unique, also the first pages inside are special. While printing we turned the waterprocess on and off, doing so the pages get spots and stains and color all over the pages!"

Inhaltlich präsentiert das Magazin wieder viele interessante Arbeiten und Texte. Ein sehr empfehlenswertes Stück, das in jedes gut sortierte Bücherregal gehört.

Pressetext O.K. Failure:
Following the raging succes of the virgin issue of O.K. Periodicals, a second edition follows suit. The theme: Failure, or how I learned to appreciate my mistakes. Through an intriguing graphic approach, this magazine shows how to work with mistakes, and make the most of them.

A large number of people from around the world contributed material and articles to this publication, covering a wide range of subjects crossing various disciplines; neuropsychologist Roos Bijvelds explains how our blundering brain makes us dazzle when seeing op-art, JODI and Beflix show us their glitches, and scientific blunders, misspelled tattoos, environmental tragedies and the effects of dementia on time perception complete the mix.

This issue has been submitted to an accident-prone production process. The first 32 pages have been exposed to multiple print errors and each cover has been screen printed in a special color combination. By giving serendipity a chance, each magazine is unique.

Mehr Infos und Bestellmöglichkeiten unter www.ok-periodicals.com.
