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On Air


Es wurde Zeit, dass ich diesen Leckerbissen vorstelle. Bei diesem Buch geht es um eine Sammlung von Spots in eigener Sache. Besonders aufregend ist das Buch nicht gestaltet, muss es aber auch nicht. Die Storrys von den Künstlern und ihren Projekten lesen sich locker, teilweise sehr amüsant. Daher im Anhang auch ein Beispielhafter Auszug (von François Chalet).

Die DVD welche dem Buch beigefügt ist herrlich, allerdings muss man in kauf nehmen, dass manche Spots ohne Ton sind. Hat irgend einen technischen Hintergrund, den ich leider nicht ganz kapiert habe.


TITLE: MTV Europe Music / Awards 2001
ARTIST: Francois Chalet
ATTITUDE: "I like simple ideas."
LOCATION: Zürich, Switzerland
CLIENTS: MTV, Dalbin.com, OP Vodka, Docomo, Mitsubishi, Expo o2, Fantoche, Prima Linea, Centre Georges Pompidou

CREDITS: DIRECTOR: Francois Chalet / PRODUCER: Prima Linea Productions

'One day I reccived a phone call from MTV UK who wanted me to pitch for a package. While working on the stage design, MTV took inspiration from my book "Chalet" [Die Gestalten Verlag, 2000]. I think the book was the reason they asked me to do the job in the first place. My idea was very simple. I put a giant turntable in the middle of a town (Frankfurt). The people of the town get affected by the music and stars and start running up to the turntable, which is the MTV European Music Awards. It's about BING! BANG! BOOM! – very superficial, weird, crazy, explosive.'

'I'm used to working alone and doing all my animations on my own. This time, however, I decided to work with a handful of animators because of the amount we had to do in such a short time. So I worked with Prima Linea Productions in Paris. Everything was animated on Flash and the final edit was made on Final Cut. I was the director, but still animated as much as I could. But, we had almost finished the work on 11th September 2001 when the towers crashed. Frankfurt is known for being a little like New York so I had used a lot of tall
buildings in the animation and people jumping out of windows. Obviously, the next day we got a phone call from MTV saying that we had to change everything that could be related to the crash. We could not have people jumping out of buildings. The houses couldn't have more than three floors and so on. It was a strange time, even more so be cause it suddenly became so strange to do this fun thing parallel to this horrific act. When I look back, I think it was good to go on with the show. Of course, in the end the animation was not as strong as I had planned, but that's llfe.'

'Having MTV on your CV is a good thing! It was a great promotion for me and other clients followed. I had hardly any restrictions (only after the crash, but that's understandable). This job didn't make me rich, but it was really fun and useful promotion. After you have achieved a dream you think differently. It was like crossing a line and getting to the other side. Now I look at it in a little more relaxed way. It was a good time and l'm happy to work on other projects. I think a lot of people project their dreams onto MTV (as I did), but if you have lived this experience you see that MTV is a company, like any other. It has to make a lot of money their luck is that they can do it with things that are cool. It began underground and now it has become a huge industry; it's a process of evolution.'

Language: English
edited by R. Klanten, C. Jofré, B. Meyer, S. Lovell
224 pages, 30 x 24 cm, full colour, hardcover incl. DVD
ISBN: 3-89955-061-7
€ 50,00

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