Universal Specimen

Universal Specimen

Multilingual typesetting tool

Author: rosetta

Universal Specimen is a new tool for previewing and evaluating fonts in multiple languages. It helps designers preview and evaluate their fonts in a vast number of languages (163 to be precise). It was developed by Rosetta Type Foundry, specialists in multilingual typography and global fonts.

Using sample text from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights the specimen allows you to preview, typeset and adjust the typographic settings for multiple translations of the same text side by side.

Universal Specimen comes ready to use with selected fonts from the multilingual Rosetta library, but it also works with any font file you have on your computer. The app runs in the browser, so nothing gets uploaded to our servers and we don’t collect any information about the fonts you use; in other words, it’s safe to use with your current font licence.

The developers hope the tool will quickly become part of your typesetting toolkit. Expect this first version to be extended with more languages soon.

The Universal Specimen was developed by Rosetta, world typography specialists, publishers, and makers of original fonts addressing the needs of global typography. Their goal is to enable people to read better in their native languages.

Try the new tool now!

Universal Specimen

Bildschirmfoto 2020-06-30 um 13.59.30 Bildschirmfoto 2020-06-30 um 13.59.14