Reportagen Band #47
Reportagen send the best authors around the globe. For stories that stay.
In this issue:
– Sleeping over the ocean. Loud rock music, lots of coffee to keep you awake: What really happens in the cockpit while we’re flying. By Jan Pelczar.
– What happened in Harlow? The author follows a murder case in his hometown and looks into the mirror of English society. By Jason Cowley.
– The mountain as saviour. Jaroslav Doležal keeps running up the Czech Kahlberg: 6190 times. Why? By Richard Fraunberger.
– Atheists in danger. Anyone in India who questions Hindu gods and Jesus miracles becomes the target of deadly attacks. By Julia Lauter.
– The system filling station. British Petroleum exploits its tenants with gag contracts. One speaks plainly. By Richard Fuchs.
– The historical reportage: Tremor Eels 1807 by Alexander von Humboldt.
Puntas Reportagen AG
July 2019
16.5 × 23 cm
128 pages