SPOD #7 Design der Knappheit

SPOD #7 Design der Knappheit

Release: 03/2018
Volume: 140 pages
Format: 13 × 18 × 1
Price: 13.00 

We encounter scarcity everywhere. It is something of a constant threat; at the same time, it is a reality with which we are confronted.
Design cannot be asked to solve or overcome the problem of scarcity. Rather, we need to shed light on the underlying forces and better understand how our notions of scarcity are based on economic constructs. It affects us all and determines our ecological, economic and political future. It is often accepted as a fact of life - one almost has the impression of being helplessly at its mercy. But what if scarcity is not as inevitable as it seems? How could we, in our disciplines of architecture, creation and design, deal with it?
The open-ended publication series Studienhefte Problemorientiertes Design SPOD makes historical and contemporary reflections on the social and political dimension of Design accessible. It is a collection of irregularly appearing texts that critically examine the practical, cultural, methodological and everyday functions of Design. The problem-oriented approach aims to link design to the contradictions, potentials and circumstances of reality.
Based on a critical examination of the possibilities and limitations of Design, alternative models of Design are outlined that contradict the established market-based design practice.


adocs Produktion und Verlag




140 pages

Format in cm (w × h × d)

13 × 18 × 1




Klebebindung, Softcover



SPOD #7 Design der Knappheit