Walz Stipendium & Schwarze-Kunst-Preis

Walz Stipendium & Schwarze-Kunst-Preis

Awarded by Verein für die Schwarze Kunst Dresden e.V.

Author: Nina Steimel

Today we would like to inform you about two tenders by the German Verein für die Schwarze Kunst Dresden e.V. (engl.: Association for the Black Arts Dresden), the Walz Stipendium & Schwarze-Kunst-Preis, which are more than worth a look, if you are interested in the topics of hand setting, hot type, or letterpress printing:

Walz Stipendium
With the Walz, the Verein für die Schwarze Kunst Dresden e.V. (Association for the Black Arts Dresden) enables friends of artistic crafts to learn the basics of black art and implement their own projects in up to 17 different workshops.

For 2022, the association is awarding seven walking tours for two months each in changing workshops. Four of these are reserved as Walz Stipendium (engl.: Walz Scholarships) for scholarship holders under the age of 30 years, which the association supports with 1,000 euros each.

The deadline for applications is October 1st, 2021. If a sufficient number of walkers cannot be selected, additional applications will be accepted with no time limit. 

The application is informal, but should contain at least the following items:

  • Name, age, profession/education
  • How did you hear about the announcement?
  • Motivation and previous experience
  • Own intention
  • Preferred period and time constraints
  • Letter of recommendation from a workshop/specialist

The Walz does not have to be completed continuously for two months, but should be completed in a maximum of six months. A total of 40 working days of at least five hours must be proven. A total of at least three workshops must be visited. The scholarship is paid out in several parts, in each case after confirmation of the respective workshop. The time of the Walz must be coordinated with the workshops involved.

A personal report within the framework of the general meeting. Travel expenses will be reimbursed separately. In addition, a written report on the experience gained during the Walz.

Find further information about the Walz Stipendium here and find where to apply here. Scroll trough the spots of the workshops here

The Verein für die Schwarze Kunst e.V. awards for the first time in 2022 and then annually prizes for outstanding final theses (bachelor, master, and doctorate) that deal theoretically, application-oriented or artistically with the subject areas of typecasting, hot type, or letterpress printing. The field of study is open. Conceivable fields of study are, for example, more creative-artistic, technical, sociological, historical, business administration or didactic.

The call for entries and the awarding of prizes are intended to keep alive the significance of the revolutionary inventions of movable type, to generate new knowledge, or to present present-day areas of application.

The first prize is endowed with 500.– Euros, the second and third prizes with with a letter of recognition. A presentation of the work at the general meeting of the association is desired. Travel expenses will be covered by the association.

The deadline for submission, but not the cut-off date, is September 30th of each year. The thesis must not be more than two years old at the time of submission (examination date). The thesis can be submitted by the supervising scientist in consultation with the graduate as well as by the graduate himself/herself as well as by the graduate himself/herself for the award. The jury consists of members determined by the board.

Find further information here

Walz Stipendium & Schwarze-Kunst-Preis

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