Instant Nudes by Clara Hoppe

Instant Nudes by Clara Hoppe

Slanted × Kickstarter

Author: Laura Nadvornik

Nine selected book projects from the first Slanted × Kickstarter Mentoring & Publishing Program are now live and ready to be funded. We are happy to present you the individual projects in the upcoming days and weeks and hope you’ll support one, two, or all of them. ;)

The photo book Instant Nudes is a homage to the very own individual perception and self-presentation of eroticism and a modern and young view on eroticism beyond pornographic clichés. In cooperation with the renowned calendar project PHOTODARIUM and the photographer Herr Merzi, Instant Nudes shows uncensored instant pictures of the best instant photographers in the world.

Clara Hoppe is the creator of the book and a 26-years old Communication Design student from Dortmund, Germany. The photo book INSTANT NUDES is gonna be her bachelor thesis.

We asked Clara a few questions about her project:

Your project was selected from nearly 100 submissions to be part of the Slanted × Kickstarter mentoring & publishing program. What did you learn, what helped you the most?
For me, this whole project is a huge opportunity to work so freely and according to my own ideas. Since I’m still a student, this is the biggest project of my life so far! Organizing the campaign was a real challenge for me, but I also gained a lot of experience. I have also learned a lot about myself and I am proud to have come so far—nevertheless I am very happy to have some people around me on whose support and help I can rely.

How did this project come about?
I was looking for a topic for my bachelor thesis when I was introduced to the fact that there is a huge archive for the PHOTODARIUM Private, which holds unbelievable potential. This is how the collaboration with Boris Kahl, the Art Director of the PHOTODARIUM, came about. He then brought the photographer Mr. Merzi on board, who is part of a large network of instant photographers. I already had the idea for the book concept in my head and both of them were quick to get involved.

What fascinates you most about instant photography?
I feel that instant pictures have a special charm, especially when it comes to nude photography. They also take the seriousness away from pictures that are more pornographic. Furthermore I think that this kind of pictures has a special value especially in today’s over-sexualized world, because they are open but private and fragile at the same time.

Why should our readers support your project? How do you hope to continue with it?
My project is worth supporting, otherwise the great potential of the archive will be lost if the pictures are not published. The book is a special opportunity to show a collection of photographers from all over the world in one book. Furthermore I am a student and without the support of the Kickstarter campaign I could not realize the book. I hope that I will be able to collect the money without any problems and that all backers will like my ideas for the book.

Thanks a lot for the insides and we keep our fingers crossed that your project will be financed!

Instant Nudes by Clara Hoppe

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