DDC Publikation “266 weltverbessernde Projekte – ein Prozess”

DDC Publikation “266 weltverbessernde Projekte – ein Prozess”

Format: 22 × 31
Price: 21.40 

How the DDC created WAS IST GUT, a design competition for world-improving projects, and what it produced, is documented in 266 weltverbessernde Projekte – ein Prozess, edited by Bettina Knoth.
This competition was different. And so is this publication! With WAS IST GUT, the DDC did not look for the familiar glossy solutions, but asked for projects that people have always wanted to do, because they open up new perspectives and spaces of possibility. The winners were selected through a democratic process of facilitated workshops and a symposium.
The 218 pages center around these following questions: How do we design meaningful things? How do we design sustainable living environments? How do we enable social relationships? All 60 nominated and awarded submissions in the categories product, space, and communication are shown in texts and images. In addition to inspiring essays and contributions by Prof. Mikala Holme Samsøe, Bettina Knoth, Prof. Dr. Felix Kosok, Nicolas Markwald, Rolf Mehnert, Ana Relvão, Michael Schieben, and Nina Sieverding, the entire process of the WAS IST GUT competition, from its genesis to the symposium and award ceremony, is documented in numerous illustrations, reflections, and commentaries. The publication was designed by oppa franz in close collaboration with DDC board spokeswoman Bettina Knoth. The great portraits are by Robertino Nicolic.


Bettina Knoth

Art Direction

oppa franz GmbH

Creative Direction

Bettina Knoth


Robertino Nikolic, Thomas Keydel


Circle Offset Premium White 120g/m2

Format in cm (w × h × d)

22 × 31



DDC Publikation “266 weltverbessernde Projekte – ein Prozess”