nomad 14—care

nomad 14—care

Volume: 192 pp.
Format: 23 × 26 × 1.7
Price: 18.00 

This issue explores the concept of care from a relationship perspective, discussing the need for redefining relationship contexts or even reinventing some entirely. It also raises questions about our relationship with nature, examining whether we are superior or subordinate to it and how we can redefine our relationship with it. The issue also covers discussions on waste, architecture and design, and considers how they can be used to change our relationship with nature and the world.

nomad features people who explore the relationship between humans and nature in their work, including artist Zheng Bo, designer duo Formafantasma, Studio Ossidiana, General and Artistic Director at Nieuwe Insituut Aric Chen, furniture manufacturers ecoBirdy, Studio Plastique, designer and architect Michele de Lucchi, artist Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg, and many more.

Publisher gmbh


Veronika Kinczli und Frank Wagner, gmbh


192 pp.



Format in cm (w × h × d)

23 × 26 × 1.7



nomad 14—care