Spring in Isolation

Spring is suppose to signify the end of winter & hibernation, the blooming of flowers and the awakening of life. But with…

3 Rabbits

This illustration was an "Easter Egg" I found when I was in isolation doing an Easter Egg Hunt in my old sketchbooks.


I don't think it needs much description. A typographical discussion on the subject of the coexist. Me, You, Others for me this…

Black and/or White

Black and white, black or white? Without one there would not be the other! In contrast as far away as it does…

the awareness of touching

These days touching has become a very important thing: we can't touch the ones we love. We are far from them. We…

Borders are imaginary

Borders are imaginary. The virus showed us the hard way. Now it is time to understand that the political, economic and cultural…

The Security Distance club

This poster is inspired by the minimum distance of security that has been imposed on us as a treatment for COVID19.

Ma’dan village

Ma'dan culture existed since late neolitic period on self-built islands on in delta of Tigris river. After thousands of years of existence,…


connect with others, while keeping your distance.

How Much Longer

It's time for change. Degrowth is the future. The only future.

Where do I come from?

Being a Chinese international student studying in the U.S. Especially now during this global pandemic makes me think more about things like…

Peace, Shalom, Salām

Designed for one of our clients. The client organizes trips to Israel and also deals and lectures about political aspects in the…

Black and White Drama/Series

Among them are Cosmos, Roller Coaster, and Striped Dancer.Even at home, our thinking is like a roller coaster, and we are sometimes…

Give & Take

As nature shows us – it's a give and take to coexist.

Ways to connect

An illustration for a workshop I co-organised at the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia: Community as Interface. The two figures…